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Mack PopCon is a registered, not-for-profit organisation working to bring all things popular culture related to Mackay. Pop culture is for EVERYONE! Movies, TV series, music, comics, anime, art, gaming, books – from nostalgic to current trends, pop culture covers all generations. Our purpose is to provide Mackay and surrounding regions with an annual Pop Culture Convention. Our focus is on inclusivity, all-ability access, being 100% locally run, family-friendly fun, advocacy and professionalism. Mack PopCon places great importance on inclusivity for all abilities and diverse community groups. Providing a local event brings together those who cannot travel to other Conventions around Australia. We will be offering an official sensory-friendly session for those who are not comfortable in a busy, crowded environment. We hope to inspire friendships, positive social interaction, and creativity by providing safe, enjoyable events where all members of the community can join together with similar interests or become inspired by something new. A place where everyone is welcome and comfortable to just be themselves


If you're interested in being a sponsor, please feel free to email Kristy Harper  -


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